Yes, he's married. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow. He can't have said such a stupid thing. English is not my native language. He skipped a grade. I couldn't sleep. He always walks with a rifle. I want a piece of candy. He is a man of action. He looked quite tired.
Alex Clare Too Close Unplugged: - In which department is Latha working?
- She almost drowned.
- Are you able to swim?
- He stuck to his job.
- He extinguished the fire.
- That's not fair.
- It's a cloudy day.
- My father is a lawyer.
- Sir, could I park my scooter here?
- Let's go have a look.
I seem to have the wrong number. I need your advice. I went to bed after eating. She was kissed by him. I suggest that the meeting be postponed. Would you play with me? Please ask him to call my residence. I have plenty of things to eat in the pantry. She took pity on him. He designed the car.
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Alex Clare Too Close Unplugged, Inc. 70663 Costa Mesa Street, California 4009 - USA, CA 92628 Tel: 362-811-5332 - Fax 779-711-2475
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